Daniela Vallini was born in Bondeno (Ferrara) in 1963 and she lives and works in Rolo (Reggio Emilia). After her highschool diploma she took up studies at the Marangoni Institut in Como for textil design, where she was involved in various projects. In 1985 she become freelance for the ceramic atelier Zecchinato~Darlington in Verona working on projects for decorative modules in serigraphy for factories in the Modena area, manufactures of ceramics coatings. From 1987 on she has her own ceramic workshop, realising projects of architectural studies for privat and government customers. She giving lessons and has been teaching for various institutions in lombardia and Emilia Romagna and as well for projects of the european social found. In 2001 she founds the group Hyle (what becomes later on as associative pool) where she works together in setting up exibitions and art teaching events. Some highlights are the partecipation at te mantovan “Festivalletteratura” in 2002, with the event titled “21per gioco” together the artist Pompeo Pianezzola. They're done encouters and workshops inspired by the work of the artist and in 2003, the project workshop “materia e oltre” realized for the educational section of Palazzo Forti (Verona) in occasion for the exibition titled “Lucio Fontana: metafore barocche”. From some years hers attention is turned exclusively to the use of clays to tall temperature as the stoneware and the porcelain that experimented to long across the intrusion of natural earthes have inclined to new of matter and chromatic results, crossing the subject and exalting the peculiarity with the use of bright sources, where design, subject and shines is melted in a personnel seeks. |